Please Note: If you are a homeless, chemically dependent woman seeking substance abuse treatment you must speak with the Mountain Comprehensive Care to inquire about eligibility and bed availability. Please call (270) 683-8248 or (800) 882-2873 during business hours Monday through Friday.
Who is Eligible
Victims of abuse (verbal, physicial, emotional or sexual) and their children may receive services during any part of the cycle of violence. Emergency shelter is available 24 hours a day.
OASIS provides domestic violence services to the counties of: Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, McLean, Ohio, Union and Webster.
For more information on services and programming provided by OASIS, please call: (270) 685-0260 or 1-800-88ABUSE (1-800-882-2873)
What to bring and NOT to bring:
We recognize the stress and anxiety involved in coming to OASIS. This is why we aim to make your transition as easy as possible by providing a few tips:
The following items ARE allowed at Oasis:
Please bring:
- All personal documents, such as identification, birth certificate, social security card, or any other important papers.
- Medications for yourself and children.
- Clothing. Please be advised that space is limited at OASIS; therefore, we ask that you bring no more than seven changes of clothing for you and each of your children. Laundry facilities are available on-site.
- Personal toiletry items. If you do not have any or cannot bring any with you, OASIS will provide personal care items upon admission and throughout stay in program.
- Televisions may be brought to OASIS only if they are small in size and can be carried up a flight of stairs with no help. You are also welcome to bring a DVD player/VCR.
The following items ARE NOT allowed at Oasis:
- Food items (OASIS provides three daily meals and maintains a snack bar).
- Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)
- Toys which resemble weapons (toy guns, water guns, plastic swords, etc.)
- Clothing or other materials depicting violence, drug paraphernalia, or obscenities.
- Candles
- It is not recommended to bring valuables or large amounts of money. A safe (accessible only by staff) is available on site for those wishing to keep money in secure location.