How Domestic Violence Can Injure the Brain Physical violence, stress, and mental health issues can take a toll on brain health The 2015 movie Concussion spotlighted chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a rare disease found in people who suffer multiple blows...
Letting the Art Do the Healing Workshops help survivors get their trauma out through creativity Artist and survivor Cathy Salser always knew she wanted to use her art to make a difference. So, for the last two-and-a-half decades, she’s been running the...
Stay Safe: Know When Your Abuser Gets Out Sign up for victim notifications so you can be prepared for when your abuser is let out of prison Like many other survivors of domestic violence, Mary Byron was told she would be notified when her abuser was being...
Domestic Violence Can Double Risk of Preterm Birth Physical injuries and inadequate maternal care lead to serious complications A study out of the University of Iowa revealed what most of us could have already guessed—domestic violence during pregnancy puts...
Will It Happen Again? Do past behaviors predict future abuse? Batterers are often considered individuals who terrorize, intimidate, control and abuse their partners. And, they typically do it again and again. In fact, 31 percent of those convicted on a...
Protecting Protection Orders Another source helps to ensure protection orders are recognized As soon as this story is posted on and its social channels, we know what will come next: unfortunate stories from survivors about protection order...